When the very survival of a community is at risk as result of arbitrary, unscientific, unjustified decisions to support the political agenda of a government, Rob leaves no stone unturned to set things right.
Often, fighting injustice is a lengthy David vs. Goliath struggle and it is an obligation to do what’s possible to protect people and the lands. Illegitimus Non Carborundum.
Example of Clients
Peace Valley Landowners Association
Site C is a controversial hydroelectric dam project located in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. The fate of the project has been subject to debate since it was first proposed in the 1950s by the BC Hydro and Power Authority.
The Peace Valley Landowners opposed the project for a multitude of reasons including the potential devastating environmental impacts from the planned flooding of agricultural land and the fact that other alternatives would be cheaper and less destructive.
Rob led relentless campaigns over a number of years, making sure British Columbian’s understood the impacts of Site C and ensured the Peace Valley Landowners had a voice when speaking with government.
Stop Site C
- Compiled a vast team of experts to provide evidence that the energy from the mega dam was not needed, and that alternative energy sources would be more cost effective
- Managed an over-arching complex strategy with constantly moving goal posts

With conflicting views being presented in the media, it became challenging to identify the facts surrounding the questions: do we need the energy and are we spending $10-12 billion of BC taxpayers’ money on the right project? Munro/Thompson produced this short video: Would You Build Site C?
Media Coverage

Nine things B.C. can learn from the Muskrat Falls dam inquiry
The Narwhal
A secret SNC-Lavalin risk assessment report, a ‘blank cheque’ from the Newfoundland treasury, ‘blind’ trust from politicians and a Crown corporation that acted like a ‘fiefdom’ are all topics of discussion at a…

Cancelling Site C project would save B.C. $1.6B: report
Global News
A new report commissioned by the Peace Valley Landowner Association suggests cancelling the Site C project would save B.C. as much as $1.6 billion.
This comes just a week before the…

B.C. utilities regulator raises questions about Site C dam in new report
The Globe and Mail
Two years and $1.8-billion into the construction of the Site C dam, British Columbia’s independent utilities regulator still cannot get answers about the cost of the project, the need for its…

Site C Dam Over Budget, Behind Schedule and Could be Replaced by Alternatives: BCUC Report
The Narwhal
A highly anticipated review of B.C.’s Site C dam has found the project is likely to be over budget and behind schedule and alternative energy sources could be built for…

Expert panel to brief NDP on Site C today
Dawson Creek Mirror
Premier John Horgan has invited six energy experts to brief his cabinet Thursday afternoon ahead of its decision on the future of Site C.
Voice of BC – Examining Site C
Shaw TV
Rob Botterell and respected energy economist Robert McCullough are guests on Voice of BC for this in depth look at how the Site C dam will effect this agricultural region in British Columbia.